Friday, 9 November 2007

Some more of my Story

It was too early. ussually my school bus picks me up at 8:05 am. I ran out side to get get on the bus but as soo as I had when outside i saw that the bus wasn't there. where had it gone? Why didn't the bus wait for me? I walked back inside and saw mum just sitting on the couch watching the television. She looked back at me as if I was ment to be at home. I stood in front of the TV and told her what happened when I was outside. My mum said that she'd droop me off at school. We arrived at school. I jumpped out of the car and looked around to see if any of my friends would come out to see me.I looked around again, and thats when I realised that no one was at school. TO BE CONTINUED ....


ionatana said...

Love the blog,i think you should stick with black fonts,instead of pink it's hard to read some words.Just watch the spelling.,great effort big girl.
Love you

kplWhetu said...
